Herefordshire & Gloucestershire Canal

In 2023 the H&G Canal Trust volunteers continued restoration. Following the support from IWA’s WRG in 2022, the trust continued to work the new stretch of canal at Malswick. It also gained ownership of the next piece of land towards Gloucester, enabling it to make plans to extend the restored section. The submission for planning permission has started with all the required surveys being undertaken. A lock may be in the next stage to enable the canal to go under the road, so lots to think about.
In September there was an open day that enabled members, local councillors and even the local MP to see the site for themselves. There is further work planned along this length to enable access for the public. This will give the local community, in the future, a 7-acre canal park that will enable people to enjoy walks by the water. Wildlife, too, will enjoy enhanced habitat as wildlife ponds will be installed to go with all the new hedge and tree planting. One particular area of trees has been planted, funded by donations in memory of a friend of a member of the trust.
At the Over site, work has continued. The area identified for a future mill barn was cleared with containers moved and the welfare cabin taken down (it had come to the end of its useful life). A new welfare area has been created in a reconditioned container giving a warmer and drier space for volunteers to have a cup of coffee. The trust continues to see the basin well used.
Another site in Gloucestershire at Oxenhall has seen many more visitors. Improvements were put in place with extra signage showing the permissive path. This has been connected to the national footpath that passes next to the canal, giving people additional safe areas to walk. Work on the stop lock had to be carried out as it was leaking very badly. This was completed over a number of very cold days, with ice not stopping the team doing a great job. A new bench was also donated and gives a great place to sit and view the canal. Also, a wall on the towpath side has been rebuilt to keep the footpath safe.
In Herefordshire, further discussions are occurring as the council updates its local plan continuing with the protected route through the city and county. The trust has been looking at the development of a community basin in a park on the edge of the canal just within the city. At Ledbury the development of a housing estate, north of the railway viaduct, will now include a rerouted section of canal from the Bromyard road to the viaduct. Ongoing discussions are taking place about how to restore this part of the canal.
A new walk leaflet was created that takes walkers along the old historic route of the canal through Ledbury, following a figure-of-eight route to enable walkers to enjoy the local history of the town as well as visiting one of the many pubs or cafés down the high street. This joins the seven other walks that the H&GCT has created, giving over 30 miles of circular walks showing different parts of the canal in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.
Other sites in Herefordshire continue to be improved, including sections of towpath giving people opportunities to enjoy walks along this very rural canal. H&GCT continues to focus on rebuilding a sustainable canal from Hereford to Gloucester, with the emphasis on ensuring there is a built-in income to keep the canal maintained once it is restored.
April 2024