Uttoxeter Canal

In 2023 the Caldon & Uttoxeter Canals Trust responded to a planning application at the Barnfields site in Leek. The original concept included a small marina at the terminus of the canal, providing a small number of moorings. Following the trust’s objection in 2022, a revised plan was produced which allowed for moorings in the form of a basin but bounded by high fencing. The trust, while welcoming the new basin, considered that access should be for all, that high fencing was not appropriate and that the adjoining housing should be in keeping. Following on from this, a feasibility study was made to demonstrate the advantage of bringing the canal into the basin, which has funds set aside for its construction. However, to connect the basin to the canal, the existing aqueduct would need to be reinstated and no funds had been set aside for this.
During 2022 and 2023, it became clear that the low water levels in Rudyard Reservoir, while being unavoidable, could have been less drastic had the Dane feeder been able to function fully. In many places it was out of water and/or clogged with vegetation so that a free flow of water was impossible. The trust formed a partnership with other bodies with a view to clearing the feeder and allowing it to function properly. A survey was carried out to determine the work that was necessary and this has progressed throughout the year and some clearance work has been completed as well as some funding being made available.
In 2023 WRG NW attended a weekend in March and November and cleared vegetation at Carrington’s Lock and Bridge 70. Following partial closure of the canal at Hazlehurst, Bridge 37 was finally replaced and the canal reopened in May. The trust attended the Etruria Canals Festival in June and had a successful two days when many members of the public visited its stall and information panels. The trust was also involved with other organisations throughout 2023 so has been active, despite the practical work being less than normal.

April 2024