Carefully, carefully with that spike
At a mooring in France, using pins or spikes must be treated with caution
A buyers market
If you're on the lookout for a second-hand boat, now is the time to strike. We look at a range of brokerage bargains
50 years ago on the Mon & Brec
Looking back at a journey along this beautiful Welsh waterway in 1962
Man to Monaco
From the Isle of Man to Monaco - 2000 miles of waterways in a canoe
Britain's longest art gallery
There's a venue near you which is a theatre, art gallery, sculpture hall and comedy club all in one - it's your local waterway
WW Guide to the Norfolk Broads
The Broads offer rare wildlife, a historic city and mile upon mile of surprisingly peaceful boating
God's own country
Are Yorkshire's waterways truly divine... or godforsaken?
The lost branches of the Walsall Canal
The BCN connections that have long since disappeared
The Burslem Breach
Using Malcolm Fletcher's photographs to look at a breach on the Trent and Mersey 51 years ago
Readers' Scrapbook
Our readers discuss waterway history and share archive photographs
Getting into hot water
Almost every boat requires a water heating system, but which is best suited to your needs?