October 2020 issue

On the October 2020 cover ... Crossing Pool Lock Aqueduct over the Trent & Mersey Canal
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Bespoke 60-footer
Boat Review
Boating Leisure Services’ latest is a semi-trad narrowboat with an unusual reverse-layout. Just days after its launch, Mark Langley jumped aboard

Most Memorable Wildlife Encounters
Waterways Wildlife
One of the primary appeals of the inland waterways is the opportunity to observe and interact with wildlife. The WW team share their experiences

Extreme Boating
It’s been 30 years since the first Dover-Calais crossing by narrowboat. Chris Coburn tells WW what inspired his intrepid cruise, and how he doubts the trip would be possible today

WW Guide to Cruising the Cheshire Ring
From the Cheshire Plain to the bright lights of Manchester via the incomparable Peak District, this is a cruise to savour.

Dark Days on the Cut: Part Two
Looking Back
In Victorian times, a relaxed towpath stroll could be anything but. Incidents of petty crime were common, as Roger Butler reveals.

Oil Aboard!
Waterways Art
High-profile commissions have taken artist Rob Pointon across the world, but he continues to draw inspiration from the canals and rivers closer to home. We take a look at his latest waterway-themed work

Tow the Line
Boat-Owner Advice
From cross straps to insurance cover, WW answers all your towing queries

Norbury to Newport
Restoration Walk
Andrew Denny takes a stroll along the old line of the Shrewsbury & Newport Canal, to investigate its restoration plans and potential

Life Afloat in Pics
Liveaboard Life
Professional photographer Howard Davies refl ects on two years living aboard his 58ft narrowboat and shares some of his favourite canal-related shots

Keeping it in the Family
Waterways Industry
Dad’s Boats director Stephen Pitkethly tells WW how a heart-warming backstory and growing appetite for sustainable boating could finally give his father-in-law’s pedal-craft the attention they deserve

Last Word
A New Deal?
John Liley proposes that our waterways can offer a stepping stone towards economic recovery, with benefits for all