November 2021 issue

On the cover of the November issue... Glorious autumn sunshine on the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal at Kidderminster Lock.
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Crick Boats on show
Crick Special
All the new craft on display at this summer’s event, including the Favourite Boat in Show winner

Huddersfield Canals
WW Cruising Guide
With 74 locks and the UK’s longest canal tunnel, the Huddersfield Narrow provides one of the most exhilarating and arduous boating experiences on the system. James Francis Fox meets the challenge, and also boats its broad sister canal

Crick products
Crick Products Review
Rupert Smedley looks at the latest products and ideas from the show

Half a century of carrying
Looking Back
The Narrow Boat Trust is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its formal establishment this year. Fabian Hiscock provides an account of its eventful story

A Sleeping Giant
Explore Gloucester & Sharpness
Despite the rising popularity of canals, the broad waters of the Gloucester & Sharpness remain unexplored by many boaters. Tony Jones explains why a summer on the waterway is among his favourite boating experiences

Less is more
Boating Advice
The WW team identify the supposedly ‘must-have’ boating items that they can happily cruise without

Waterways from the sky
Waterways Photography
Colin Dobson-Fox provides more stunning aerial photos from his part extensive travels around the network

Snapshots of working boats
Looking Back
Chris M. Jones looks at how the day-to-day life of boaters was explored in an illustrated magazine of 1939

A swan-song cruise
Hire Boating
Due to advancing years, Adrian and Maz Wedgwood recently made the decision to give up boating. But not before one final hire-boat trip on the Caldon...

A strange new world
Last Word
In an extract from his newly published book, Steve Haywood recalls his discovery of the waterways in the early 1970s