April 2025 issue

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Rally Round Up
On the Cut
A guide to this year's waterways events

The Eurocruiser Mark 2
Boat Review
Collingwood has recently upgraded its Eurocruiser wide-beam range. Mark Langley explores a 60ft x 12ft version and takes it cruising

Tunnels of Love
Around the Waterways
Years of continuous cruising have enabled Andrew Denny to indulge his passion for canal tunnels. These are his highlights…

WW Guide to the Montgomery Canal
Cruising Guide
This stunning Welsh waterway is full of surprises but you’ll need a rucksack and walking boots to explore it all. Steve Elliott takes up the challenge…

The Strange Adventures of a House-Boat
Looking Back
After an incident-filled journey up the Oxford Canal, the crew of Nameless Barge were now approaching Birmingham on their way to Worcester and the River Severn. Roger Butler follows their progress…

In Tom Rolt's Wake - part 5
Explore The Midlands Waterways
Down the Shroppie, up the Staff s & Worcs and along the Trent & Mersey – Paul Miles continues to recreate the canal journey documented in Tom Rolt’s Narrow Boat

The Best Decision
Reader's Story
Emily Quinn was a carer for her father, who had Alzheimer’s, until his passing in 2020. Six months later, she harnessed the practical skills he had taught her by buying and fitting out a narrowboat

A leisure narrowboat of the Victorian era
Looking Back
Alison Cannon relates the story of Lucy – a working boat converted to a luxury holiday craft as early as 1887

A Tale of Two Cultures
Freight on the Waterways
A new 66-mile freight waterway is being built in France. Could a similar scheme ever be constructed in the UK? John Liley gives his views

The Personal Touch
Profile - Kings Lock Chandlery
Kings Lock Chandlery is a supplier to some of the biggest boatbuilders in the country. Director Steve Wedgwood explains why its interactive, customer-focused approach is key to its success

Crafty Bird
Boat Business
Roving trader Sally upsized to a 70ft narrowboat three years ago, giving less room to live but more space to work. Amelia Saxena tells more

The Howling Barge
Reader's Boat
Video-maker and musician Paul Smith is a continuous cruiser on the Lee & Stort whose wide-beam home also serves as a popular recording and performance studio. Bobby Cowling finds out more…

We all need a good canal boat simulator
Last Word
Computer game journalist Joe Parlock bemoans the lack of a narrowboat simulator – something he’s craving, since he’s planning to live afloat
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